Tuesday, July 5, 2016

8 Pear Green Benefits To Health and Pregnant Women

The fruit is one of the types of food intake must be consumed by human. This is because in a pear contains many vitamins and fiber that is needed by the body. Vitamins and fiber is a chemical substance that is needed by the body where the body cannot produce them on its own so that should get the intake from the outside. All kinds of fruit good health except for fruit rotten and poisonous. One type of fruit is good for you is pear-shaped. There are two pear varieties namely pear-shaped yellow and green pears. Both pears is very good for health but in this article will be discussed about the benefits of green pear.

A benefit of pear-shaped green is very good because it can prevent certain types of diseases that can attack the body. Pear-shaped Green is also safely consumed by adults, children and the elderly so you can buy it for all of your family at home.

Benefits of pears for pregnancy

The benefits of the well-known pear-shaped green are on pregnancy. This is because the content of nutrients and nutrients in pear is very good for pregnancy. Calories in a pear-shaped green are relatively less and safely consumed by pregnant mothers in  large quantities and no fear of excess calories. what are the benefits of green pear for pregnant women? Check out more information here:

1. Contains high folic acid

On pregnant women need folic acid is very important and must be met. Folic acid is a substance that functions in assisting the establishment and development of the infant's brain nerves so avoid the risk of a baby born with mental or physical disabilities. There are many types of fruits and vegetables containing folic acid and one was a pear-shaped green. So you can provide a green pear for supplies.

2. Contain high vitamin C

A pear also contains high vitamin C so that it can help keep the durability of pregnant women is not easy so sick. Pregnant women need higher levels of antioxidants than usual. Pregnant women who consume green pear regularly will boost the immune system and prevent the entry of bacteria, germs and viruses cause diseases and prevent infection

3. Contains high fiber

Already it's normal for pregnant women suffer from constipation problem. Therefore, when a woman is pregnant is highly recommended to consume plenty of fiber digestion so smoothly. Pear green could be one source of fruit that contains high fiber and good for you.

4. Low calorie

It is not surprising that pregnant women have eating more than usual, even daily wants eat continuosly. It is certainly reasonable for pregnant women in need of energy doubled from the usual. But this should be a concern for pregnant women not to eat carelessly though the goal is to make full. eat green pear if you feel very hungry before mealtime arrives. Green pear contains low in calories so it is safe to consume is large quantities and do not make weight gain increased dramatically.

It's her pear-shaped green benefits for pregnancy. It turns out that benefit good isn't? So, if you're pregnant do not forget to eat a green pear.

Benefits of green pears for health

Pear-shaped Green is not only good for pregnant woman, but also good for the health of others. Want to know what? Check out more information here:

1. Anti free radicals

No longer be denied that the current presence of free radicals prevail very jaunty and cannot be avoided. Free radicals such as cigarette smoke, smoke vehicle factory, fatty foods, hygienic food does not have become common at this time. But it is extremely harmful to the body because it can cause various types of diseases. In a green pear contains vitamin C, vitamin K and copper that served as natural antioxidants to the body to ward odd free radicals that enter the body's cells.

2. Prevent heart disease

The high fiber content in pear-shaped green in not only beneficial to launch the digestion but also very good for helping to cause to fall in cholesterol in the blood vessels. This is certainly very good because it can help prevent heart disease caused by blockage of blood vessel by cholesterol. Consuming foods that contain high fiber such as pear-shaped green this will help reduce the risk of stroke by up to 30%.

3. Prevent cancer 

Fibers also have other benefits i.e. carcinogenic substances to tie up and throw it away from the body. Carcinogenic substances are not very good because it can trigger the growth of cancers such as colon cancer. If you are consuming as much green pear-shaped 1 piece every day will b able to lower their risk of breast cancer by as much as 34% in women who have entered the period of menopause.

4. Does not cause allergy

If you have an allergy then you could be eating a pear green just because doesn't make allergy on the body. So pear-shaped green is also very good if given to children who have allergy risks higher than usual.

5. Keep your blood sugar levels

The taste of pear-shaped green is indeed a bit sweet but has a low glycemic index so it is very good for those of you who have the disease of excess blood sugar levels or diabetes so they can take control of your blood sugar levels.

6. Prevent osteoporosis

The problem of bone loss or osteoporosis is now happening more and more. Therefore it is important for us to maintain bone health. So that bones stay healthy it is very necessary to get a high calcium intake every day. Calcium alone will always erode each day so that bone loss is indeed a natural thing in the body. But you have to stoop because bone loss can also make you uncomfortable. Green pear contains boron high enough that could help absorb calcium in the bones more quickly.

7. Wean children

Weaning a child is a difficult things to shift easily especially if the child started fussing because weaned. One way that you can give to children during the weaning of him is to provide a variety of fruit, including pears green. You can make it into pulp green pear with the skin peeled to your child. But you need to consider is that you should not give a green pear if your child has diarrhea.

8. Troubleshooting throat

Another benefit of the pear is able to overcome the problem of the throat which is usually often occurs in the transition period. Throat problems this will surely make you become uncomfortable is not it? Therefore, you can eat a pear become your favorite foods according to their individual tastes.

Similarly, a review of the benefits of green pears you need to know. The benefit of this is no doubt that you also have no doubt eaten this green pear. Thank you and may be helpful.

