Monday, July 11, 2016

16 Benefits of Coconut Oil for Health and Beauty Skin

Various types of oils not only serve for cooking to produce tasty cuisine, the use of natural oils used for body care. Like coconut oil, this turned out to have remarkable properties, whereas oil is sometimes considered to be a substance that is not good and triggers the onset of dangerous diseases. Benefits of coconut oil alone are very popular for hair and beauty fields.

16 Benefits of Coconut Oil for Health and Beauty Skin
About Coconut Oil

Studies have shown that the intake of coconut oil, can help our body increases resistance to disease-causing viruses and bacteria. Coconut oil  can also affect thyroid hormone positive against and control blood sugar. People who consume coconut oil are also likely to have improvement in reducing the blood sugar because coconut can help improve the use of insulin in the body. Coconut oil can improve thyroid function by helping increase metabolism. What are the actual benefits of coconut oil which is very important for the health and beauty of the human body?

1. Healthy for the Hearth

Actually there is a misconception among many people that called coconut oil is not good for heart health. This occurs because the coconut oil contains large amounts of saturated fat. In fact, coconut oil is beneficial for the heart. It contains approximately 50% soluble acid that helps prevent various heart problems, such as high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure. Saturated fats present in coconut oil are harmless as is often found in vegetable oil. Coconut oil does not cause an increase in LDL levels and decrease the incidence of injury and damage to the arteries and therefore helps in preventing atherosclerosis.

2. Hair Care

Benefits of coconut oil is one of the best natural nutrition for hair, this is one of the world's most popular causes it. Coconut oil helps in healthy hair growth and gives the hair shiny. Coconut oil is also very effective in reducing the loss of proteins that could cause the quality of the hair becomes unhealthy.

Coconut oil is a natural conditioner provides benefits and help hair re-growth process that is broken. Coconut oil has an important protein that is needed to restore damaged hair and a variety of hair damage. Research studied show that coconut oil provides better protection for the hair from damage caused by fatigue.

3. Coconut Oil for Skin  Care

Coconut oil has been very long used to help skin care, this oil is one of quite a good moisturizer to help various types of skin disorder, especially for dry skin. Here is some of her role in helping care for the skin.
  • Moisturize dry skin
  • Treating infections of the skin (psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema and other skin infections)
  • Prevent exfoliation
  • Prevents the appearance of skin wrinkles
  • Skin tightening
The benefits of coconut oil for skin care skin much exploited by various beauty products and SOAP. At least there are a variety of products such as soaps, creams, and lotions that utilize essential oils to help rejuvenate the skin.

4. Boost the Immune System

Any substance that contained coconut oil can to help the immune system? The answer is antimicrobial lipids, capric acid, lauric acid and caprylic acid which have anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and antiviral. The human body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, of various substances produced research is very important to eradicate viruses and bacteria that can be a major cause of diseases such as influenza, herpes and even HIV. Other bacteria can also be eradicated with coconut oil properties, including the following:
  •  Listeria monocytogenes
  • Helicobacter pylori
  • Harmful protozoa such as giardia lamblia.

5. Very Good for Burns

If you are exposed to the exhaust, will certainly give rise to the former and the pain in very severe. Do not stop until his pain, Burns will also decorate the feet or parts of your body that are affected. In addition burns can be aided by applying coconut oil. Apply coconut oil on the skin will help to keep i going in the scars that can ruin the aesthetics of the skin.

How to use

Apply coconut on the burns/heat sparingly and should not be mixed with water or other ingredients, it is effective to prevent the occurrence of burns.

6. Increase Energy

Coconut oil is one of the very important sources that can increase the energy in the body. Fairly high calorie content makes it one source of herbal nutrition that can help increase your energy instantly.

7. Eliminate Yest Infection

Very high content of fatty acids in coconut oil are certainly very important as a natural fungicide for the body. This very potent substance eradicate the fungus to insert himself in the membrane of the yeast which is the determining factor of life fungus, thus the fungus will not be able to multiply and destroy the fungus.

8. Weight Control

In a study conducted in 2009 found that there is a relationship between weight loss and consumption of coconut oil on women in reducing abdominal obesity. Researchers have suggested that coconut oil turned out to be very easy to digest. Besides coconut oil also helps keep insulin resistance.

How to use

The use of coconut oil in terms of weight control can be done by adding a teaspoon to diet. And do gradually up to four tablespoons per day.

9. Reduce the risk of Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's in one disease that can damage the brain function that makes the sufferer will forget things like friends, family, activity and various other things. Benefits of coconut oil in the fight against Alzheimer's by giving affected coconut oil turned out to give a very positive effect.

Other studies have also revealed how coconut oil with Alzheimer's disease. The content of substances of ketones in coconut oil is the origin of its role for brain health. This substance is very good for maintaining brain function when the body has lower glucose content. Ketones can also help improve memory and potential to help the sufferers of Alzheimer's. The dose found is 2 teaspoons per day can help cognitive function.

10. Good for the Scalp

Regularly massaged the head with coconut oil, you can ensure that the scalp free of dandruff dry scalp even today. It also helps in keeping the hair and scalp free of fleas and flea eggs as well as many other bacteria that will disrupt the scalp.

There are still many more benefits of coconut oil that we can use as a source of nutrients that are essential to the body, these are reviews of various improved.

11. To prevent liver disease

Triglycerides & fatty acids helps in preventing disease of the liver, both these substances are very processed into energy when it reaches the heart. Long term effects is reduces the workload of the heart and also prevent the buildup of fat in the liver.

12. To prevent kidney stones

Coconut oil can help prevent kidney disease and kidney stones.

13. Treating Pancreatitis 

Coconut oil is also believed to be useful in treating pancreatitis.

14. Good for Diabetes

Coconut oil is believed can also help to control blood sugar and increase the secretion of insulin in the body. He can be effective with the release of glucose in the blood, it is important to prevent and treat diabetes.

15. The Dental Health

Calcium is one of the substances that are essential for maintaining healthy teeth.

16. Bone

As with any teeth, calcium may also help maintain bone health.

Benefits of coconut oil are believed to be indeed big enough for your health, but there are certainly a wide range of effects that you should know if consuming coconut oil in excess. You are expected to wisely use it according to you needs.

1 comments so far

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